With our risky economy, it is best to take the time to know if you’re going to get paid.
Get the information you need quickly and easily right from your desktop.
Volume discounts and 10% off reports pulled the first month of usage!
11-20 reports per month: 5% off your month-end bill
21-30 reports per month: 7.5 % off your month-end bill
31-50 reports per month: 10% off your month-end bill
Subscription Pricing Also Available
Experian Commercial lntelliscore Plus (IP) – $21.25
One page Business Summary with a statistical model taking into consideration those factors most affecting Bad Debt Risk. Scores may range from 0-100 (“0” being the highest risk and “100” being the lowest risk).
Experian Business Profile Report (BPR) – $40.00
Includes a detailed summary, which provides an overview of a business’ credit behavior. It highlights business payment performance, public record history and background information.
Premier Profile Report (PPR) – $47.00
A comprehensive business report that facilitates better decision making by supplying critical information needed for assessing credit risk and performing background checks. It provides “quick glimpse” views and details related to business payment performance, public record history and company background, risk dashboard, credit limit and fraud screening.
Just let us know if we can provide you with samples of the reports above.

Please contact Valerie Ingold at vingold@commercialcollection.com for more information.